30 Years Graphic Artist | 20 Years e-Commerce Specialist

PORTFOLIO - Photography & Photo Art

During my education years at Fanshawe College (London, ON)

2000 Vancouver Computes Digital Imaging Design Contest
- 2nd Place across Canada

1993-1996 PPOC 'Professional Photographers of Canada
National Student Print Competition - Fuji sponsored
- Best Entry Selected from Digital Category
- Best Entry Selected fromĀ All Categories
- An Award of Merit

1993-1996 Fanshawe College Annual Print Competition
- Best Entry Selected from all Categories
- 4 Outstanding Achievements
- Best Overall Achievement by a First Year Photography Student

1993-1996 PPO (Professional Photographer's of Ontario) Student
Print Competition - Fuji sponsored
- Highest Scoring Print in the Portrait Category
- 3 Awards of Merit